Spreading JOY is how I feel when I see this beautiful photograph.

It was taken by my sweet, talented friend Magdalena Barry. Her mission was to capture my true, authentic self on film and this picture checks all the boxes for me! Lightness, magic, fairy energy, nature and JOY.

HomeHearted Living was born from this space. When I created my blog site 1.5 years ago, I wanted to share my love of what I call spiritual homemaking with the world. This passion project allows me to express my creativity and inspire others to nurture the beautiful undercurrent of life energy that flows through their living spaces.

Trust me – JOY lives in this glorious flow!

Living spaces are alive and have an energy which must be nurtured and supported, which turn, nurtures and supports the people living there.

Call it kismit, luck or divine intervention, but I randomly found an account on Instagram almost a year ago. HELLO to Amanda Gibby Peters and Simple Shui! Amanda is a vivacious woman bursting with colour and energy – and guess what? – she loves spiritual homemaking just as much as I do. She combines the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui with intentional design and sprinkles it with touches of other yummy energetic practices. I immediately felt a bolt of lightening and thought THIS is what I’ve been doing for so many years! Feng Shui!

Fast forward to 2023 and I’m in the final stages of achieving my Simple Shui House Therapy certification. As a House Therapist, I’ll teach and empower others to view their spaces as living, breathing entities that hold enormous influence over their experiences. I’ve been given the language to explain this beautiful connection – chi, chi enhancers, the Bagua Map, the Five Elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal, the balance of Yin and Yang energies and the glorious practice of biophilia.

My Shui cup runneth over with information to share!

More ways to share the JOY

2023 will be a year of change for HomeHearted Living! I’ll be redesigning my website to include a menu of services:

  • in-person or virtual readings for your home, business or landscape
  • Space clearings and other Feng Shui rituals
  • Guidance before renovations, selling your home or buying a new home

I’ll continue to blog and look forward to creating a weekly newsletter. So sign up and join the HomeHearted movement!

Also head over to my Instagram account @homeheartedliving for easy-to-follow tips on how to incorporate the wisdom of Feng Shui and House Therapy into your home. Even through the smallest changes, the energetic impacts of Shui happen!

Welcome your home back into the family and watch the JOY grow!

That’s the HomeHearted way.