Struggling to find peace at home because of a major repair or renovation?

Or maybe both?!

I can relate!

Over the past six months I’ve struggled with a jinxed renovation (that STILL isn’t finished) AND an unexpected foundation repair that have thrown my usual peaceful abode into chaos.

My nerves feel as rough as a sheet of unfinished plywood!

Feelings of overwhelm and anxiety are normal when your “home base” is in a state of upheaval. Our homes help keep our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being on an even kneel – when they are upside down, so are we.

Here is your HomeHearted reno survival guide to keep the happy vibes flowing, even when your plumbing is not!

Create a safe zone

Create a safe zone free from disruption where you can hide away and recharge. Perhaps the master bedroom or office. Supercharge these spaces with fresh cut flowers, favourite photographs or personal items that Just. Feel. Good. Let green goodness come to your rescue by escaping to your patio or garden. My backyard has been my oasis of zen this summer!

Organize the disruption

If you need to pack up areas of the house, hide all the boxes in one room – away from family activity, like the basement or garage. Trust me – walking past a chaotic mess of boxes bursting with stuff every day will darken your mood and impact your energy.

Be particularly careful not to store anything in the centre of your house (the “heart” of your home) or in the wealth area (back left) or the love area (back right). Clutter in these areas

Clean the “people” energy

Tradespeople in your space can make your home’s vibe a bit funky. To clean the energy, burn sandalwood incense or do a salt cleanse every week (or both).


  • use a bowl (about the size of a soup bowl) and fill it 70% full of rock or sea salt
  • add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to the salt for added punch
  • place in the centre of your home
  • after 24 hours, dispose of in the trash

Salt is an energetic cleansing powerhouse! Consider washing your countertops every week in a weak salt solution and spritzing up your front door and threshold with a salty wash.

Uplift the energy

Keep household clutter to a minimum during construction to help elevate your mood and reduce feelings of overwhelm. Open drapes, turn on lights and keep the space bright and cheery. Treat yourself with your favourite blooms and play soothing music.

Beautiful botanicals to the rescue!

During times of upheaval, select from this menu of delicious botanicals to sweeten the air and your frame of mind. Here are some of my favourites!


Basil is the plant kingdom’s jack-of-all-trades. Not only does it taste delicious in your favourite pasta dishes, it is considered the protector of family and banisher of negative energies from the home.

Keep a basil plant in your kitchen to foster peace, prosperity and abundance…as well as a tasty dinner add-on!

Crush fresh leaves between your palms and breathe in the yummy smell when you need a quick pick me up. Gently boil the leaves and spritz the infused water throughout the house to scrub away bad vibes and brighten the energy.


This glorious citrus fruit radiates joy, juiciness, sweetness and abundance. Display oranges on your kitchen counter, use orange-infused cleaners, diffuse orange oil or create a stovetop potpourri steamer of fresh orange, lemon and lime slices with cloves and cinnamon.

Take a deep breath of fresh orange peels and feel your brain’s pleasure centre light up with happiness. You may even feel more motivated and energized. That’s the power of oranges!


This gentle purple flower is perhaps the best-researched herb for promoting relaxation…and when your home resembles a construction site, nothing is more important! Use lavender essential oil products including laundry sachets, bath bombs, bath salts and massage oil.

Diffuse the oil or add a couple of drops to your pillow case to promote restful sleep. There’s even lavender-infused herbal tea for those of us who love to wrap our hands around a hot drink to relax.


All hail the queen … of aromatherapy that is! Rose essential oil is revered due to her beautiful energetic signatures of love, self-love and joy. Rose is an all-around healing dynamo – wonderful for calming the nervous system and making you feel settled on days you feel the most uneasy (like trying to pick paint and flooring colours)!

Unfortunately, rose oil is prohibitively expensive, so look for more affordable alternatives like rose scented candles and incense.

Better yet? Purchase a budget-friendly bouquet at Costco and amp up the energy of your weary home with the smell and sight of this regal flower.

Create your own rose water for room spritzing by gentling boiling the petals when the blooms start to wilt. Add a dash of sea salt to the spray for extra cleansing kapow!


We’ve all experienced the energetic “jolt” of peppermint. It tingles the senses and instantly wakes up the mind and body. Are you tackling a big DIY project and feel overwhelmed and unmotivated? Take a deep breath of peppermint to give you focus to tackle the job.

Add a few drops of peppermint and rosemary oils to your bath, or mix peppermint with a carrier oil like sweet almond or jojoba and rub all over your arms and legs to boost energy and soothe tired muscles. It’s also a treat for the taste buds – enjoy a mug of hot mint tea or add a few fresh leaves to a salad!

Home repairs are a fact of life

Repairs and renovations are a fact of life. It doesn’t matter if you bunk with a friend in a condo, rent an apartment or own a house, a repair or tradesperson is bound to ring your door bell at one time or another. Minimize the upheaval to your nervous system and keep your Home Sweet Home by following these mood-boosting ideas.

Want to learn more self-help strategies when challenging times hit? Check out my blog Your Home is Sacred Space for Self-Care.

Above all, hang in there. Like my mom used to say, “this too shall pass.”

That’s the HomeHearted Way.