When spring officially arrives on March 21st, the decluttering bug hits HARD.

All across the land you hear the whipping open of garbage bags, the hum of vacuum cleaners and the overwhelmed sighs of valiant soldiers beating down overstuffed closets and unruly drawers.

The war on clutter has begun!

Over the past two years, clutter busting has become BIG business. We are inundated with a plethora of experts, tutorials, consultants, books, tv shows and social media accounts all trying to convince us to clear out the crap and simplify life.

Who would have thought a few years back that we would be filling our fridges with clear plastic bins that cost $30 each. Like I said, it’s big business!

So what’s my take on the Great Possession Purge every spring? Is it always necessary?

Personally, I love to edit my belongings whenever I feel the need. My approach is very conscious and mindful and surprise, surprise, it’s all about the energy!

Here are some strategies to help.

Invest in a HomeHearted energy audit

A few months back, I published a blog about how to prioritize your cleaning and organization to-do list. Looking at the house as a whole can be overwhelming and demoralizing, so it’s important to break it down into manageable chunks.

My energy audit is all about tuning into the energy of a space; recognizing if the room is working for your family or not; and identifying what, if anything, needs to change.

Download my worksheet and writing prompts to help you identify key areas needing some TLC. Trust your gut on this. You will intuitively know where the big problem areas lie (if there are any) and what is needed to brighten the energy and get the space working for you again.

Does your stuff reflect you?

I think this strategy is a great complement to my energy audit.

You look at your stuff through the filter of “does this item serve my highest and greatest good?”

The clearer your vision, the clearer your space.


What do you value? What are your goals and dreams? Describe the person you’re striving to become!

Be clear on these questions before you start downsizing. Your possessions should reflect and support your growth and evolution. If they don’t, it’s time to let them go. Perfect example is your closet. Do you keep clothes that are too big, just in case you gain those 20 pounds back? That’s not setting yourself up for success. Only keep the clothes that fit and reflect the energy you wish to embody.

Use this powerful filter to view all your possessions. Is one of your goals to start a business but you struggle to keep your office and desk clean? Look at the unruly space and think, “does this serve my highest and greatest good?” Chances are it doesn’t. It’s time to put yourself first, find homes for your paperwork/things and create a space that powers up your entrepreneurial dreams.

Dispose of things that don’t fit into the vision of who you are and what you want to achieve. The clearer your vision – the clearer your space.

If you need a little help determining your values and vision, check out my blog!

Decluttering isn’t always necessary

We’ve been brainwashed to think all clutter is bad. Honestly, it isn’t!

Some of us can have a house bursting at the seams and still feel balanced and happy.

It’s all about the energy of your possessions and how they impact your life. If stuff feels heavy, negative and life-sucking, then it’s time to move it out! It’s hard to live your best life handcuffed to things that don’t uplift your spirit and support your goals.

If you have a lot of possessions you may also be an unwitting fan of maximalism. This style is all about layering colours, textures, artwork and specially-curated possessions to bring a feeling of warmth, comfort and coziness to a space.

Who doesn’t need more of that in life right now?! Maximalism…aka stylish clutter…can just feel good.

One more thing – if you’ve experienced a traumatic event and are emotionally fragile, hold off decluttering until you are stronger. Your possessions are a much needed anchor to familiarity and safety while you heal.

So go forth and answer the battle cry of decluttering this spring…but remember to do it mindfully.

That’s the HomeHearted Way.