Does January inspire you to “feather your nest”? Maybe it’s time for an Energy Audit!

I know I’m not the only one who feels the urge to purge at this time of year. Organizational projects, deep cleaning, decorating, renovating … there’s just something about the new year that is fertile ground for change.

But like many of you, I often get overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Reading books and watching shows featuring organizational gurus like Marie Kondo or the HomeEdit are helpful, but how about going deeper than just dirty cupboards and messy utensil trays?

How about connecting into the feel of your home and taking the lead from there?

Energy Audit helps living spaces reach their potential

What impacts the feel of a room? Lots! How it is used, its cleanliness, organization, the lighting, colour and even the placement of furniture. All these things work together to spark either a positive or negative energy flow in the space.

The guiding principal of HomeHearted Living is recognizing this energy flow and the beautiful aliveness of your living spaces. Your home is a treasured member of the family and we take care of things we love.

Think about your home. Do your rooms feel loved or are there spaces where things go to die? You know the ones – you walk in *gasp* then walk right back out and shut the door!

My HomeHearted Energy Audit helps prioritize your maintenance to-do list by helping you to connect into the energy of the room, define its purpose, maximize its potential and just make it feel better!

Sounds like I’m encouraging you to be your home’s life coach? Ha! Maybe I am!

How’s your master bedroom doing?

Take the master bedroom for example. Its purpose is to be a haven of rest, comfort and peace. A place to escape the busyness of the day and spend much-needed “me” time. Are you allowing the bedroom to meet its potential or are you actually sabotaging it?

Think about it. Are you using your bedroom as a catch-all for the family’s laundry? Do you have your dusty treadmill pushed into a corner? Is the mattress old and sagging? Is the closet bursting at the seams with unused clothing?

But above all, how does it feel when you walk into the space? If you’re uncomfortable, overwhelmed or stressed out, there’s work to be done.

Let’s create an action plan to get those happy home vibes flowing!

HomeHearted Energy Audit

Set aside time twice a year to perform the audit (January and September are great months). Grab a clipboard and pen and print out a set of worksheets for each room. Energy Audit Worksheet. Energy Audit Writing Prompts

Initial impression:

Walk into the room. Imagine you are viewing the space with fresh eyes. Take a few deep breaths and connect into the space.

How does it make you feel physically and emotionally?

Are you drawn to certain areas and repelled by others?

Don’t forget those pesky closets and storage rooms!


Take note of what the room is designed for (library? den? dining room?) and what actually happens there (watching tv? ironing? homework?).

Rooms have a knack for morphing into what the family needs them to be at the time. It’s OK for a room to take on several uses as long as the space is well divided and organized.

How it feels to use the space:

Go back a couple of months. Has the space been meeting your needs?

Are you sleeping well in your bedroom?

Does the kitchen space support and empower you during meal preparation?

Do you feel productive and creative in your office space?

Observations and recommendations:

As you walk through the space, notice areas needing cleaning or organization.

Do items need repair or replacement?

Is the furniture placement awkward?

Do you still like the wall colour?

Do all the items in the room belong? Does anything need to be added?

Action Plan:

What are your top three jobs to help improve the feel of the space (more if you’re feeling energized)?

List the priority from highest to lowest.


After completing the tasks, write them down and give yourself a gold star! It’s handy to have an inventory of your work.

Let’s get to work!

When you finish the audit, you’ll intuitively know which rooms need the most help. Depending on your time, perhaps tackle one or two jobs a weekend. As you check items off your list, imagine you’re helping an old friend find its spark again. Reframe it as a labour of love or act of service to your beloved home.

That’s the HomeHearted way.