The practice of hearthcraft is a spiritual path rooted in the belief that the home is a sacred space of beauty, power and protection – a place where you find nourishment on every level.

Many years ago, the hearth represented the life-giving heart of the home. It provided energy for heating and cooking, and beckoned the family to gather round in the evening to rest, connect and tell stories of the busy day.

We don’t rely on fireplaces for survival these days, but I believe the practice of hearthcraft is even more relevant today as we deal with the ramifications of our disconnected, fast-paced society.

I believe the world needs more hearthcrafters.

A hearthcrafter keeps the energy of her home flowing smoothly by committing to heart-centered activities like decorating, cooking, cleaning and purification and protection rituals.  The safe space she creates and holds for those around her allows them to thrive and move out into the world from a strong foundation.

A hearthcrafter has many essential roles:

  • She is the barometer of the family, ensuring her loved ones feel comforted, supported and loved.  
  • When things don’t feel quite right in the home, a hearthcrafter will seek out ways to bring the energy back into balance.  
  • She is a natural healer and a grower of all things beautiful. Intuition, compassion and practicality are her superpowers.

Hearthcrafters are magical beings who selflessly serve their homes, families and communities.


I am proud to identify with the ancient practice of Hearthcraft and feel great joy taking care of myself, my family and my home with passion, love, creativity and a little sparkle of magic.

Do you come from a great line of Hearthcrafters? Take a moment to recognize and celebrate the women in your life who kept the home fires burning bright.

That’s the HomeHearted way.

Note: this post was originally published on Instagram to celebrate 2022 International Women’s Day.