
It’s not a commonly used word, but I love it. I dare you to say frolic without smiling!

It can be a noun – “The little boy was excited by the frolics of the puppy.”

or a verb – “I love frolicking in the waves at the beach.”

and even an adjective – “I am passionate about living a frolic life.”

All of its many forms aside, the main energy behind frolic is JOY.

Think about it. Is playfulness and frolic missing in your life?

I’m not surprised if it is.

In the serious pursuit of “adulting”, we can often feel exhausted and overwhelmed. There’s barely any time or energy for curiosity, play, excitement, joy and well, frolic!

That in my opinion Just. Won’t. Do. This recent Instagram post says it all!

It’s total bullsh*t how little frolicking I get to do.

I was made for frolicking!

Believe it or not, your home can help you recapture the bubbly energy of childhood and put frolic back on the map. Try these ideas!

Powder room POW

A powder room is a great spot to amp up the fun factor. Use bold colours, whimsical lighting and large-scale mural wallpaper. I’m currently renovating my powder room and pulled out all the stops to create a fun, magical space. Stay tuned for pictures!

Add more circular shapes

Walk through your home and notice the dominant shape of the furniture, artwork and accessories. Is it angular with hard corners? If so, it’s time to soften things up!

Our brain is hardwired to look for circles, spheres and soft edges in our environment, as these features encourage playful impulses. Think of bubbles, balloons, balls, soft dandelion heads and fragrant spring blossoms. Round shapes fill us with childlike wonder and happiness!

Try adding more circular elements to your home – a set of curved nesting tables, soft throw pillows and blankets, bedding with circular motifs, or artwork featuring skies filled with billowy, white clouds. Get those play vibes flowing!

We don’t stop playing because we grow old;

we grow old because we stop playing.

George Bernard Shaw

A pop of frolic-y colour!

We are biologically drawn to colour as it represents abundance, freshness and richness. Our ancestors relied on colour to survive, as it indicated a source of energy. Brightly coloured fruits and berries meant food and a lush, green location indicated fertile land to establish a home.

Be adventurous and use bright, happy hues in your home that speak of youthful exuberance. Not brave enough to paint a feature wall in a daring colour? Then start slowly by introducing touches of vivid colour in accessories, textiles and artwork.

The pull towards colour is in our DNA. Don’t be afraid to embrace its power! Think about your favourite colour … how can you incorporate it more into your home?

Colour is life; for a world without colour appears to us as dead. Colour is a vibrancy that lets us know our surroundings are alive and can help us thrive.

Ingrid Fetell Lee

Display childhood mementos

Childhood mementos speak to us of a simpler time when frolic was our number one priority. Recapture this by displaying special items on a coffee table or bookcase – perhaps it is a collection of your favourite books, a treasured toy or a photograph of a fun family vacation. These visual reminders of joy are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

Who doesn’t like a collection?

Children love collecting things on their adventures – a pretty leaf here, a shiny rock there. If you were a pint-sized archeologist years ago, what’s stopping you from putting on your Indiana Jones-inspired hat yet again?

Make it a game to collect nature items during walks and family vacations – things like rocks, feathers, interesting seeds and pine cones. Showcase the treasures on a beautiful tray – a fun conversation starter. Added bonus? Admirers can touch the items – playfulness involves all the senses.

I recently travelled to the west coast and returned home with a variety of shells, sea glass, rocks and feathers. Collections bring us back to a time when everything was new, exciting and well, worth collecting!

Fairy dust anyone?

I secretly love fairies and forest nymphs. My most authentic self resonates with their innocence, magic and light-heartedness. Nothing says frolic more than the image of fairies flitting around a garden playing hide-and-go-seek in the flowers!

Sprinkle fairy dust throughout your garden by tucking miniatures in your flower pots and statues in your shrubs or water features. A double hit of surprise and whimsey! You can find miniatures at your local craft store or any greenhouse that sells terrarium supplies. I often find pretty statues at HomeSense, Winners or even at my local dollar store.

String fairy lights in your trees or shrubs to capture twinkling fairy energy and create an enchanting scene at night. How about hanging a wind chime in the branches of your favourite tree? Enjoy the sweet tinkles on a windy, summer day. Pure bliss!

Now friends, it’s time to stop reading and go play!

That’s the HomeHearted way.