We live in a universe where anything is possible.

Appreciation of the magical beauty of the universe

will open your heart to more of that magic in your life.


The more you open your mind to beauty, magic and joy the more you will experience in all aspects of your life.

This isn’t new age mumbo-jumbo, it’s based on science and how our brains filter information!

We’ve all had this experience. You’re in the market for something – a white Ford F150 pickup for example – then all of a sudden you see white F150s everywhere! The trucks have always been there, they are just now being filtered into your awareness.

This is due to your brain’s RAS, or Reticular Activating System, a type of filtering system that tells your brain what to focus on and what is important to you.

What is amazing is that we create this filter ourselves through life experiences and self-talk…by telling our brain (both consciously and subconsciously) what we believe, what we fear and what we love.

Give it enough time and this filtering process creates a blueprint for your life by altering your awareness and what you attract into your life.

Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in life.

Tony Robbins

Here’s a cool video about the RAS:

The RAS is the filter through which you view and experience the world. It also confirms your belief systems. If you are more of a pessimist and think the world is against you, your brain will increase your awareness to why things won’t work out. It will identify problems instead of solutions and prime your consciousness to bad news.

The same can be said about optimistic people. Their RAS presents good news to their awareness, in addition to good people and good situations. That’s the kicker – you unconsciously seek situations that confirm your bias or belief system. Let that nugget sink in…

Your belief systems are strengthened because of the lens through which you view the world and the way you’ve primed your RAS. It affects all major areas of your life and sets you up for success or failure!

So much of what we call our reality is actually our subconscious mind confirming pre-held beliefs.


So what does this have to do with HomeHearted Living? EVERYTHING! I want you to prime your awareness to see and feel all the beautiful, magical things in life through your home. Try these ideas:

  • give meaning and gratitude to mundane tasks
  • give consciousness to all living things (have you talked to your plants lately?)
  • feel gratitude for the inanimate objects that make your life easier
  • foster your home’s positive energy flow
  • create a beautiful space for your family and surround yourself with things that bring you joy
  • transform cleaning into an act of service for your home

The more you open your awareness through this lens of love, curiosity, openness and joy, the more your brain will look for situations and people to confirm this positivity.

It may start in the home, but watch the magic unfold in all areas of your life.

That’s the HomeHearted way.